severity dynamic not behaving as expected

Sandro lists at
Thu May 26 21:55:51 UTC 2022

Hello (again),

I was reviewing my logging configuration, implementing new categories 
and generally reorganizing stuff.

 From what I remember and from what I read in the documentation, using 
"severity dynamic" on a channel should result in logging being disabled 
for that channel as long as debugging is turned of. Yet, I'm seeing info 
messages in my debug.log file.

This is the relevant configuration:

channel default_debug {
     file            "/var/log/named/debug.log";
     print-category  yes;
     print-severity  yes;
     print-time      yes;
     severity        dynamic;

category general { default_logfile; default_syslog; default_debug; };

There are more categories logging to that channel, but as an example 
from category general I'm seeing info messages in debug.log:

general: info: received control channel command 'stats'
general: info: dumpstats complete

(timestamps left out for brevity)

I verified with 'rndc status' that debug level is 0.

Has the behavior changed or am I completely misunderstanding something 
here (again)?

-- Sandro

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