bugs for cname can not be working properly with bind 9.11.4

Jan-Piet Mens list at mens.de
Wed May 25 08:55:47 UTC 2022

>the domain name is kaixinduole.com

Querying the SOA record for kaixinduole.com shows the SOA serial number
is less than what you showed in the screenshot:

kaixinduole.com.	21600 IN SOA ns1.kaixinduole.com. shawn.kaixinduole.com. (
				2022041566 ; serial
				3600       ; refresh (1 hour)
				900        ; retry (15 minutes)
				604800     ; expire (1 week)
				86400      ; minimum (1 day)
>I just create a cname record for testing, which is www cname to
>www.baidu.com. please see the below :

When you update the zone file and add the CNAME, you must increase
the SOA serial number to anything higher than what it currently
is. The zone seems to use YYYYMMDDnn format, but you can also just
increment the current number.

After storing the zone file, I recommend you use

	named-checkconf -z

to make sure you see no error messages, and then you should be
able to load the zone with an

	rndc reload kaixinduole.com

Good luck,


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