Using nsupdate remotely

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at
Tue Jul 12 05:48:45 UTC 2022


I have a remote subnet that has its own DHCP server, but wants to update the domain which spans several locations and subnets.

What do I need to do on both ends (remote DHCP server and central DNS server) to push updates over?

On the DHCP server, I'll need a persistent key, and I'll need to point nsupdate at it with "-k"... (but no "-l").

On the DNS side, I'll need to include from /etc/bind/named.conf a file with a "key { }" section and a "controls { }" section... with the same symmetric key/algorithm, of course... the "controls { }" section will need an "inet" address to listen on, the IP address of the DHCP server that will be sending us updates, and the matching name from the "key { }" section above.

Am I forgetting anything?  Or is that about it?



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