Best practice for forwarding Dnstap (unix socket) traffic to another address

Fred Morris m3047 at
Mon Jan 10 00:21:58 UTC 2022

Hello. For a variety reasons:

  * Dnstap doesn't comport with the usual MTU restrictions, that is an
    "event" is not reliably going to fit in a UDP frame.
  * Dnstap casts your application as the "server" and BIND as the "client".
  * For whatever reasons the implementer(s) saw fit to include a
    mandatory handshake (all it does it say "ok, I'm sending X, what do
    you want?" and you have to respond with whatever the client sent).
  * The only streaming that Dnstap has offered has been unix sockets.

What's the best practice for sending this to another address, presumably
via TCP... socat? Too bad about the handshake, any best practices for
forwarding there?

Thanks in advance...

(Pure Python implementation of fstrm:


Fred Morris, internet plumber and data sous chef

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