forwarder cache

Hamid Maadani hamid at
Thu Dec 1 19:58:01 UTC 2022

> Have fun arguing about whether or not a server which is "authoritative" should have an NS record in the zone, once you have something which demonstrably works.
> I don't have a lot of patience for "experts" who can't demonstrate a working system, so I probably won't be back.

Not sure where I claimed to be an "expert". The whole point is, I am NOT an expert, but I am trying to contribute (for free). So I am asking my questions from the experts (yes, also for free).
Now, if I am not providing enough information, or have the wrong approach in asking my question, it is perfectly fine to ask me to correct my approach, or provide more information. Even better, have a guideline somewhere on what basic information to provide when asking questions (or point me to it if one exists). There is absolutely no need for telling me to stop "withholding" information, or "censor" data (!!), or "waste people's time".

We all know Ondrej is a fantastic engineer, and knows this system inside out. He has already spotted the error after asking for the right data (which is much appreciated). It is fixed and all is working fine now. I see no point in continuing this thread, so I probably won't be back either :)

Hamid Maadani
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