High memory consumption in bind 9.18.2

Doug Whitfield dwhitfield at perforce.com
Mon Aug 1 14:14:14 UTC 2022


We have run an experiment with:

1. one zone
2. basic configuration
3. ~100 MIL of A(2/3 of all records) + CNAME(1/3 of all records) records in the zone file. Other types not tested.

RAM consumption (as monitored from "top" RES value) in RHEL 7.9 was 2 GB higher in 9.18.5 (with Jemalloc 5.3.0) vs 9.16.21 (w/o Jemalloc).

Here is the key question: Should the memory reduction apply to our experiment? Please let us know if any additional details about our experiment are required.

If not, could you please add additional details about the memory reduction statement and scenarios it applies to?

Best regards,
Doug Whitfield

From: bind-users <bind-users-bounces at lists.isc.org> on behalf of Petr Špaček <pspacek at isc.org>
Date: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 03:16
To: bind-users at lists.isc.org <bind-users at lists.isc.org>
Subject: Re: High memory consumption in bind 9.18.2
On 26. 07. 22 0:14, Doug Whitfield wrote:
> I wonder if simply adding the words “in most cases” to the end of the
> sentence might make it more clear that the 10% increase in memory is not
> so much a bug as a different use case.

I'm eager to see reproducer for this +10 % increase but so far it was
not verified.

I did lots of testing and simply cannot reproduce it, so it might be not
surprising I consider it a bad idea to extend our articles with
information we cannot verify.

Petr Špaček
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