ERROR: Failed to create fetch for DNSKEY update

Peter pmc at
Mon Nov 15 02:41:44 UTC 2021

Hi all,

 I continuousely happen to see this message:

> local0.warn named[2291]:
> dnssec: warning: managed-keys-zone: Failed to create fetch for DNSKEY update

I see it on different nameservers, at different sites, with and
without views, with and without IPv6, and I see it every time when
named is restarted.

I couldn't find the message mentioned on google etc.

The docs say DNSSEC for a mere recursive server should work out of the
box with the defaults. Apparently it doesn't, but where could I find a
clue about what my config is missing? (I have nothing at all
configured concerning DNSSEC.)


Other clues failing, I took a look at the source, and I suppose things to
bo like that:

                if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
                        fetching = true;
                } else {
                        dnssec_log(zone, ISC_LOG_WARNING,
                                   "Failed to create fetch for DNSKEY update %d", result);


        } else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
                 * Something is broken.

(could have almost imagined that ...)


        if (zone->db == NULL) {
                result = DNS_R_NOTLOADED;

So this doesn't give a clue either :(

 * WHAT is broken?
 * Why does it happen only to me?


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