My FC33->FC34 bind-chroot upgrade notes

ToddAndMargo ToddAndMargo at
Wed Jun 16 02:45:53 UTC 2021

On 6/15/21 6:59 PM, ToddAndMargo via bind-users wrote:
> On 6/15/21 12:51 PM, ToddAndMargo via bind-users wrote:
>> On 6/14/21 10:02 PM, ToddAndMargo via bind-users wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Thank you all for the enormous help in me getting bind-chroot
>>> working after upgrading to Fedora 34.  Here are my notes.
>>> Hope this helps someone else.
>>> -T
> Here are my revised, revised note.  Ed had to
> straighten me out on some boo-boos:

I hope this is the last time I have to revise this!

Broken bind-chroot repair after upgrading to Fedora 34:

# means root
$ means user

1) temporary workaround so you can surf the Internet for help:

    Change /etc/resolv.conf to
        # search your_domain
        # nameserver your_IP

2) in their "ultimate wisdom", the rpm maintainers disabled
    the service after upgrading it.

    To repair:

       # systemctl enable  named-chroot.service
       # systemctl start   named-chroot.service

    Other useful command(s):

       # systemctl stop    named-chroot.service
       # systemctl status  named-chroot.service
       # systemctl restart named-chroot.service

3) position named.conf and named.root.key:

    When the bind-chroot service starts, it copies the following into
    the chroot directory.  Don't you do it!  This will fail if it find
    them there already.  Then things get really confusing.

       /etc/named.conf      copies to  /var/named/chroot/etc/.
       /etc/named.root.key  copies to  /var/named/chroot/etc/.

    The ones in your /etc directory are your masters.

    When the named-chroot service is stopped.  Make sure you do not have
    two copies of either or both `/named/conf` and `named.root.key` kicking

       /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf      <-- should not be there 
when stopped

       /var/named/chroot/etc/named.root.key  <-- should not be there 
when stopped

    The ones in the chroot directory should have disappeared.  Make sure you
    only have one /etc/named.conf and /etc/named.root.key.

    If you have two named.root.key's kicking around, the one that starts 
         trust-anchors {
    is the good one.

    To trigger the copy:

       a) make sure /etc/named/conf and /etc/named.root.key are your masters

       b) stop name-bind
            # systemctl stop named-chroot

       c) make sure the follow do not exist:

       d) update /etc/named.conf and /etc/named.root.key as desired

       e) restart the service
            # systemctl start named-chroot

4) the new version of bind-chroot enables "dns security validation" by 

    Note: make sure /etc/named.root.key starts with `trust-anchors {`.
         `managed-keys {` is depreciated.

    Note: you should only have one named.root.key.  /etc/named.root.key is
          your master.  If the named-chroot service is stopped, the one
          in /var/named/chroot/etc should disappear.

    To properly configure (repair), place the following in your named.conf:

       add the following to your "options" block:
           dnssec-validation yes;

       by itself at the bottom:
           include "/etc/named.root.key";

    Then restart the service:
       # systemctl restart bind-named.service

    Other useful command(s):

        Validation check:

          $ delv @$IP com ds
          $ delv @ com ds
          ; fully validated

5) check (and repair) your configurations:


          # named-checkconf -l -t /var/named/chroot /etc/named.conf

          # named-checkzone -t directory domain filename

          Note: the "domain name" is theh "zone" name from named.conf
                zone, not `domainname`.  For example:

                 zone "abc.local" {
         	   type master;
                    file "slaves/abc.hosts";
                    allow-update { key DHCP_UPDATER; };
          The "domain" is the name of the "zone".  "abc.local" in the above.
          You should check both your forward and reverse zones.

          # named-checkzone -t /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves 
abc.local abc.hosts
          zone abc.local/IN: loaded serial 265

          # named-checkzone -t /var/named/chroot/var/named/slaves abc.hosts.rev
          zone loaded serial 213

6) restart the bind-chroot service:

    Change /etc/resolv.conf back to
       search your_domain
       nameserver your_IP
       # nameserver

    Restart the service:
      # systemctl restart named-chroot.service

    Check for and repair startup errors with:

      $ systemctl status named-chroot.service
      # tail -f /var/log/messages

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