How can I launch a private Internet DNS server?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Fri Oct 16 13:18:29 UTC 2020

Am 16.10.20 um 11:34 schrieb Michael De Roover:
> Interesting article, thanks for sharing this! I'm slightly confused
> about some things in it though. Does this mean that any traffic will be
> put on the connection tracker and be treated as stateful unless we use
> CT --notrack, or can the kernel make a heuristic based on what's in the
> iptables rule (i.e. if it only covers a port or a network range, it
> must be stateless)

conntrack is *always* part of the game unless you set "notrck" in the 
raw-table which is the only stateless one

raw -> mangle -> filter

at the point conntrack steps in the filter-table with your normal rules 
is not part of the game at all

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