Fwd: DNS Misconfiguration on- http://cyberia.net.sa/

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Fri Jun 5 09:23:05 UTC 2020

On 05.06.20 11:54, Ejaz Ahmed wrote:
>Some one is is claiming that our name server is vulnerable
>with below information is this true

it's not the nameserver. It's the domain "cyberia.net.sa" that has
"localhost" in it pointing go

This is useless. The localhost hostname should not exist in domains other
than "localhost." that should be configured on recursive servers.

>Any suggestions would be appreciated

simply remove the "localhost" record from cyberia.net.sa and possibly other

>Dear CYBERIA GROUP Security Team ,
>I Rahul a Ethical Hacker and Security Researcher. I found a vulnerability
>on your website that is DNS Misconfiguration .
>Your *localhost.cyberia.net.sa <http://localhost.cyberia.net.sa>   *has
>address and this may lead to "Same- Site" Scripting. I can also
>ping the localhost network.
>Here is detailed description of this minor security issue :*
>*Find attached POC  Video. *
>*Dear Team Waiting for your response and I want bounty(money) with an
>Appreciation letter for my work and effort which I have given for *
>*Thanks in advance *
>*Ejaz *

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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