VS: Dumb Question is an A or AAAA record required?

Jukka Pakkanen jukka.pakkanen at qnet.fi
Thu Jul 9 13:27:26 UTC 2020

Only CNAME is perfectly fine, except if you want the site work without the www-prefix like someone already pointed out.  Of course there must be A record for that name where the cname points to somewhere, but I read the question that this is not your concern.


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Lähettäjä: bind-users <bind-users-bounces at lists.isc.org> Puolesta @lbutlr
Lähetetty: 9. heinäkuuta 2020 14:22
Vastaanottaja: bind-users <bind-users at lists.isc.org>
Aihe: Dumb Question is an A or AAAA record required?

Given a domain that is hosted and used for email and web, is an A record for that domain actually required?

That is, if bob.tld is hosted by example.com can you simply have

	NS ns1.example.com
	NS ns2.example.com
	MX mx.example.com

www	CNAME www.example.com

Without specifying 


(I am pretty sure this is *technically* allowed, but is it really OK to do or are there reasons not to do this?)

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	diamonds spilled on black velvet, the stars that lured and
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