Getting all IP adresses for a domain name

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Wed Jan 29 19:34:18 UTC 2020

On 29.01.20 19:12, Leroy Tennison wrote:
>I ran into a situation here the IP (v4) address returned for a domain was
> different from two systems.  It turned out that two DNS servers served the
> domain and were replying with different IP addresses (discovered by doing
> whois on the domain followed by dig @<name server> for each name server). 
> This led me to wonder "How would I get all IP addresses if DNS round robin
> was being used?"  I work with external organizations so I can't count on
> the DNS server being ISC's.  I'm not concerned about multiple servers
> behind a single IP address (Anycast for instance) because I consider
> issues related to that to be the destination organization's problem, I'm
> only concerned with what possible IP addresses could be returned in
> response to a query.

in standard operation, DNS returns all A records associated with a domain

However, current CDNs tend to send different IPs for different clients,
often just the one that is tropologically closest to the client.

Unfortunately, such CDNs don't provide all possible addresses so I guess you
are unlucky here.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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