Unable to completely transfer root zone

Tony Finch dot at dotat.at
Fri Feb 14 12:47:15 UTC 2020

Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar at fantomas.sk> wrote:
> unfortunately this happens when you decide to mirror root zone and it fails.
> you should use more primary servers when possible and change root zone
> type from secondary to hint if it fails.

In this particular case, adding more primaries would not have helped
because the firewall that caused the breakage would have broken every

I have a little monitoring cron job to avoid this kind of problem.
(You'll need to adjust the paths for your setup.)


	use warnings;
	use strict;

	my $type = '';
	for (qx(named-checkconf -px)) {
		$type = $1 if m{^\s*type\s+(\w+);$};
		next unless $type eq "slave"
		    and m{^\s*file\s+"\.\./zone/(.*)";$};
		my $zone = $1;
		my $file = "/home/named/zone/$1";
		next if -f $file and 1 > -M $file;
		print "stale zone $zone\n";

> Note that rarely someone needs to have local copy of the root zone.


> If you use cisco routers, ask network admins to disable any DNS "fixup"
> functionality, because that usually causes problems.

In my experience all Cisco PIX/ASA fuxup options are horribly broken and
should be turned off.

f.anthony.n.finch  <dot at dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
Shannon: South or southwest 6 to gale 8, increasing severe gale 9 or storm 10
for a time. Very rough at first in east, otherwise high or very high. Rain or
showers. Good, occasionally poor.

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