How Zone Files Are Read

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Wed Dec 16 16:49:01 UTC 2020

Am 16.12.20 um 17:37 schrieb Tim Daneliuk:
> I ran into a situation yesterday which got me pondering something about bind.
> In this case, a single line in a zone file was bad.  The devops automation
> had inserted a space in the hostname field of a PTR record.
> What was interesting was that - at startup - bind absolutely refused
> to load the zone file at all.  I would have expected it to complain
> about the bad record and ignore it, but load the rest of the
> good records.
> Can someone please explain the rationale or logic for this?  Not complaining,
> just trying to understand for future reference.

it's better not load a invalid zone on a single nameserver at all as you 
are supposed to have at least two nameservers and the second one won't 
get the failure via master/slave replication

if it has an error something is wrong
if the last version had no error that version is good

for the world *everything* still is good as long there is one slave - 
subtle errors can lead to completly unexpected behavior

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