Batch updating all DNS records on my Bind server

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Sat Apr 18 15:44:52 UTC 2020

Am 18.04.20 um 17:39 schrieb @lbutlr:
> On 18 Apr 2020, at 09:34, Reindl Harald <h.reindl at> wrote:
>> Am 18.04.20 um 17:23 schrieb @lbutlr:
>>> Is it possible to batch update all the domains? Looking at nsupdate it looks like I have to step through and do every domain individually.
>> well, where is the issue iterate all your domains in a bash script as
>> you don't seem to have some sql backed admin interface?
> “nsupdate does not support batch updates” would have been shorter

dunno if it can but i fail to imagine how that should work - how does it
know about your domains at all?

the loaded zones can be a wild mix of forward and reverse zones, what
exactly should it replace

doing something with 10, 200, 1000 zones is where admin software has
it's place - in the backend i coded in 2008 i can write pure hostnames
of our own zone as value for A records

when generate a zone from the database wthis will be replaced by the
current ip in our own one and an additional button triggers "rebuild all
zones from scratch"

more or less one night the days back and maybe with the "virtual CNMAE
for A records" or however one will call it a second night and the reason
for that was, well, a ipchange for the whole network

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