RHEL, Centos, Fedora rpm 9.14.6

Lightner, Jeffrey JLightner at dsservices.com
Mon Sep 30 14:08:44 UTC 2019

I can't speak for him but will say Carl has been providing these packages and announcing them on this list for quite some time now and it is valuable to those who would like to use later upstream packages on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora.

RHEL's model (and therefore CentOS') is to start with a base upstream package of BIND (and most other packages) tied to their major release then modify it to work with the other packages in that release.   They then backport bug and security fixes from later upstream into their base and put extended versioning on that package so you'll know both the upstream from which it was initially derived and the specific build they later did.   Using the extended versioning one can learn specifically what has changed (e.g. what CVEs are addressed).

Despite using RHEL or CentOS some people prefer to roll their own using later (or the latest) upstream versions of BIND.   Carl is providing packages to allow for that.

CentOS releases are built based on the source code RedHat provides for their releases.   CentOS is actually maintained by RedHat as of  couple of years back.   RedHat offers paid subscriptions/support for RHEL but not for CentOS.   There is the Fedora EPEL that offers packages or upstream version higher than those shipped with RHEL/CentOS.   The packages in the EPEL are designed to work on RHEL/CentOS but are not supported (directly) by RedHat on RHEL.

Fedora is a bleeding edge distro in the RedHat ecosystem.  It is used as a test bed for much of what later goes into RHEL.   It is also maintained but by RedHat but again there is no paid subscription/support for it.   They do 2 major releases per year so would often have the latest upstream package.   

-----Original Message-----
From: bind-users <bind-users-bounces at lists.isc.org> On Behalf Of Jóhann B. Guðmundsson
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 7:11 AM
To: bind-users at lists.isc.org
Subject: Re: RHEL, Centos, Fedora rpm 9.14.6

> https://www.five-ten-sg.com/mapper/bind contains links to the source 
> rpms, and build instructions.

Bind is already package and maintained in Fedora [1] and derivatives as well as ISC having it's ownspecific copr repo [2] in addition to that.

Copr exist to overcome limitation in RHEL/CentOS as in RHEL/CentOS consumer wanting newer release then what's available in RHEL/CentOS while Fedora packages residing in copr repo would under normal circumstance only be needed to provide early testing of branches not yet suitable for rawhide ( read as 9.15.x branch of Bind would be made available in copr for Fedora while 9.14.x is what should be shipped in $CURRENT Fedora releases ).

Now the fact that the copr repo contains newer release of Bind compared to what's currently being shipped in Fedora indicates that there is some friction between the Fedora maintainer ( which in this case seems to be a Red Hat employee not an upstream ISC maintainer ) and ISC community about maintaining Bind in the distribution.

That said removing patches implemented by Red Hat for Fedora or it's derivative ( RHEL/CentOS etc ) is usually not a smart thing to do and or not working with upstream community ( ISC ) to provide and help maintain releases for specific platform or downstream distribution in a package repository maintained by ISC and it's community ( be it a copr repo or repository hosted under the isc domain ) will only cause confusion and frustration of consumers of ISC components at the cost of the upstream/downstream community surrounding the relevant components.

That said and given that there is no rocket science involved with removing patches and building packages I ask...

What's the purpose with these builds, what problems do they solve which are unsolvable with upstream ( ISC ) or downstream ( Fedora/RHEL/CentOS
) and why announcing you are building it and how long are you intending to supporting those builds ( encase someone decides to use those builds instead of ISC or downstream distribution maintained ones )?


                Jóhann B.

1. https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=314

2. https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/isc/

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