DDNS with extra vhosts...

John Robson jrobson at zenoss.com
Sun Sep 29 17:22:21 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I've set up both ISC dhcpd and ISC bind to provide relevant services to a
virtualised test lab.  In the test lab obviously boxes will be brought up
and down fairly frequently, and I'm aiming to minimise the amount of effort
that this takes our users.

So - the machines get an IP address and dhcpd updates bind, so a specific
internal domain gets updated - let's use example.orghere for ease of

That all works (after a little fight with permissions).
I set up a machine with a hostname of 'foo' and there is an automagic DNS
entry `foo.example.org`.

BUT - what I'd like to do is have `*.foo.example.org` (or even a specific
listing of subdomains) point to that IP as well - to enable the various
vhost based services on the test machines to be accessed without having to
mess with local hosts files or further mess with DNS each time.

e.g. test.foo.example.org should point to the same IP as foo.example.org (heck,
could even be a cname)

Is there some simple configuration I am missing - or is this not possible?
Is there a better way to get to where I want to be*?



* Previously we had all the test boxes in one /24, so we had `lab123` for
the box whose IP ended in 123... but we're now in a /23, and that gets a
lot messier to handle with fixed names (not particularly keen on the idea
of test341 being for the top half ending in 341-256=85 - nor am I keen on 5
digit test ids...)


*John Robson*
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