what is this python stuff in 9.11.7 ??

Anand Buddhdev anandb at ripe.net
Thu May 30 22:44:31 UTC 2019

On 31/05/2019 00:21, Dennis Clarke wrote:

> Someone somewhere figured it made sense to drag in a dependency the size
> of python?

The dnssec-keymgr and a couple of other utilities were introduced in
9.11.0. This is mentioned in the release notes. They are not new to 9.11.7.

> It must be a "soft" dependency as named itself seems to need :

Correct. The BIND daemon doesn't need python. It's only needed by some
of the DNSSEC key management utilities. If you are not going to sign
zones with BIND, you can safely build without python.

> But a massive brontosaurus lumbering in the size of Python?
> Did anyone discuss this in the open or was it a management decision to
> be followed next by mono and C# and perhaps libbloatware.so.1 ??

There's no need to be so dramatic about this. Python isn't that big, and
as I said above, you can safely build and run BIND without it if you
don't want to sign zones with it.


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