Problem to transfer reverse zone DNS on secondary DNS servers

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Mon Dec 30 19:07:36 UTC 2019

>>I think that it should be either change local DNS or call ISP to 
>>change it, not both at once.  Having both usually creates/hides 
>>different kinds of problems.

>Yes, ideally the configuration lives in one place.  Multi-master is 
>always problematic.  Particularly for day to day operations.
>Initial configuration is another story.  That will likely involve 
>configuration at both ends.  I.e. ISP delegating to customer and 
>customer configuring their name server appropriately.

>On 12/27/19 10:48 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>>the ISP should the client what zone to configure,

On 27.12.19 13:03, Grant Taylor via bind-users wrote:
>Did you mean that to be "the ISP should *tell* the client what zone to 

of course.

>>e.g. and they put RFC 
>>2317-like CNAME delegations to that.
>Maybe.  Maybe not.  I'd likely have stern words with an ISP if they 
>tried to dictate to me how I configured my DNS zones and servers.

I'd tell you that I want the DNS properly working on both sides :)

>I can see the ISP informing the customer of what options they support 
>and then the customer choosing from that set.
>About the only reason that I'll accept from an ISP for them trying to 
>dictate what zone is used is them admitting that their configuration 
>management system having limitations and not supporting what I want.

Also depends on who's more knowlegeable about DNS.

>>Yes, it can work, but I personally don't like setting up multiple 
>>reverse subdomains like this.  I believe configuring single domain 
>>for multiple records is theway to go.
>As an ISP, you're only working with one domain, namely the associated 
> domain.  So why do you care how many domains the client 
>needs to configure on their server?

>Your desire to slave transfer not withstanding.  But even that is your 

as long as an ISP wants to be slave for every domain on client's server,
every domain there means one zone definition at ISP.  as DNS manager I
wanted to have all domains properly working.  And since we had much more DNS
servers than most of our customers (one or two), I expected that 

>Your desire to have a slave copy means that you are beholden to how 
>the domain owner wants to configure things.  If that's one domain, 
>fine.  If that's multiple domains, then so be it.
>>in any case, if the OP needs to fixing things on the local side AND 
>>to call ISP to change it, something is broken, or at least 
>>inefficiently implemented.
>I don't know if "broken" is how I'd describe this.  I think the OP is 
>still in the early set up phase.  Thus why it's normal that he needs 
>to call the ISP to get them to do the initial configuration.

mostly depends on the current setup and real reason why the OP needed to
configure his master AND to call the ISP...

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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