ISC Bind stops answering queries

Ian Collins ian at
Mon Sep 17 13:07:19 UTC 2018

Hi All,

I have been runnig various versions of ISC Bind for a number of years without any issues.

My current server is a Windows 2012 R2 running 9.3.0

recently, i have had an issue where bind just stops responding to queries and to get it working again, i have to restart the service.  I have changed the logging level to provde debug output and the last thing in the log when it last stoped is below.

17-Sep-2018 13:46:26.069 security: debug 3: client request failed: end of file

17-Sep-2018 13:46:26.069 client: debug 3: client endrequest

17-Sep-2018 13:46:26.069 client: debug 3: client closetcp

The odd thing is, that i have seen the same error in the log a number of times and the server keeps working.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the server to stop answering queries or suggest any specifiv loggin settings that might help identify it please.


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