Please help with stuck BIND-9.9.11-P1 named process on rndc reconfig

Sunghwan Kim(IBI) shkim at
Fri Sep 14 00:09:31 UTC 2018

Hi BIND expert,


I could not have sent the followings thru

due to error on the site.



I am a S/W engineer who is working on BIND, especially named in Seoul/Korea.


I've got reports from a customer regarding stucked "named" process which had

not been performed any request from clients for  5 secs during "rndc

even if it is used to be finished in 700ms


24-Aug-2018 17:36:39.073 general: info: received control channel command


24-Aug-2018 17:36:44.100 general: info: any newly configured zones are now


 My customer's DNS server has been installing BIND-9.9.11-P1.


I would like to figure out why named was stucked for even 5 secs on rndc

I've figured out I/O event values(majflt/s) of SAR information on the
server is quite high

which is 58.34 even if it usually is 0.18 ~ 0.32.

The server information is as following;

1. OS : CentOS 7.3

2. CPU : Intel Xeon3.5Ghz 64bits(6 CPUs, 2 cores per CPU)

3. Mem. : 8G


Would you please give me any information about it ?

I know a lot of fixes on “rndc reconfig” for latter version of 9.9.11-P1


Please take a look at the following logs from bind for your information;

=== general log =====

24-Aug-2018 17:36:39.073 general: debug 1: received control channel command

24-Aug-2018 17:36:39.073 general: info: received control channel command

24-Aug-2018 17:36:39.073 general: info: loading configuration from

24-Aug-2018 17:36:39.159 general: info: unable to open
'conf/named.iscdlv.key' using built-in keys

24-Aug-2018 17:36:39.168 general: info: using default UDP/IPv4 port range:
[9000, 61000]

24-Aug-2018 17:36:39.169 general: info: using default UDP/IPv6 port range:
[9000, 61000]

24-Aug-2018 17:36:39.190 general: info: sizing zone task pool based on 4704

24-Aug-2018 17:36:39.293 general: debug 1: zone_settimer: zone xn--
pi5bm5e/IN: enter


24-Aug-2018 17:36:41.809 general: debug 1: zone_settimer: zone xn--o78b/IN:

24-Aug-2018 17:36:41.816 general: info: dns64 reverse zone:


24-Aug-2018 17:36:43.927 general: debug 1: now using logging configuration
from config file

24-Aug-2018 17:36:43.935 general: info: zone (master)

24-Aug-2018 17:36:43.938 general: debug 1: load_configuration: success

24-Aug-2018 17:36:43.938 general: info: reloading configuration succeeded



It would be appreciated if you share any hints, information.









[03909]서울 마포구 매봉산로 37(상암동, DMC산학협력센터1304호)


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