Test mail to bind-users

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Thu May 31 07:46:38 UTC 2018

>On Wed, 30 May 2018, Michael McNally wrote:
>>We have had reports that posts to bind-users are (in at least some
>>cases) triggering unwelcome direct-to-the-submitter messages from

it was about time ;-)

On 31.05.18 08:28, G.W. Haywood via bind-users wrote:
>I'm not sure that there's much that a list manager can do about it.

they can find the abusers relay posts to spam senders and remove them.

I have met similar case on IRC some 15-20 years ago. Spammer joined a
channel, and relayed nicknames of those who joined (or left) so they got
spam srom another nickname

>This has been an issue for most of the lists to which I've subscribed
>for decades.  My list addresses only accept mail from the lists to
>which they're subscribed, and I'd imagine most other subscribers (at
>least to the BIND list) would take similar precautions if necessary.

not everyone can set up such configuration and not everyone of those who can
is willing to play with it.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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