Cause BIND 9.10.6-P1 running dnssec to update zone A record

@lbutlr kremels at
Fri Mar 30 17:18:38 UTC 2018

On 2018-03-29 (11:58 MDT), Kim Culhan <w8hdkim at> wrote:
> Made a change to an ip address in an A record and bind is still showing the old
> address.
> Updated the serial and it doesn't show the new serial either.
> How can I get bind to update from the data in the zone file?
> I 've restarted named and used rndc to reload and have not
> found how to get it to update.

Sound like you are editing the wrong file.

rndc relaid reloads the files, if the change is not being rejected, you need to figure out where the right file is.

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