Cached negative responses

Marc Richter marc.richter at
Thu Dec 20 16:37:59 UTC 2018

Hi !

I am investigating the memory usage on a BIND 9.9 instance.
Yes, I know I should update to 9.11 or 9.12, but the situation there will probably not be a lot different.

When checking the BIND XML statistics I see the following in the "Cache DB RRsets" section, which I think
could be the reason for the high memory usage:

!AAAA	18446744073709551559
!A6	18446744073709551607

Is this an overflow on the counter for these negative responses in Cache, or could there really be that many objects in the cache ?

max-ncache-ttl is not set, so should be the default of 3 hours, but I don't really see those numbers decreasing.

max-cache-size is set, but I see the named process easily exceeding that limit by not just a bit, sometimes doubling it or even more.

How can I better find out what is currently using most of the memory allocated by BIND, instead of try-and-error on some settings to see if that helps ?


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