Sorbs List on Bind Help

Klaipedaville on Google klaipedaville at
Thu Apr 12 05:13:25 UTC 2018

Hello list,

I was wondering if anybody could advise please, on the line below that I always seem to get in my Bind 9.8.4 logs:

error (unexpected RCODE SERVFAIL) resolving '':

I know what it generally stands for, that is the name server was unable to process this query due to a problem with the name server (according to RFC 1035, 4.1.1).

I am using ACL and I white-listed I also white-listed and made sure the IP in question is not blocked anywhere else, like iptables and so on. However. I also notice that has no A records so I think that this may not be the issue. Plus, I also noticed later that IP addresses changed regularly (it can be just about any other IP instead of where is) so my white-listing was useless.

I would be really thankful if anybody could assist on the correct setting to allow my named (Bind) server to communicate with as all the other DNSBLs etc. I use on my server work and resolve well.

I would appreciate any comments / pointers / help at all.

Many thanks in advance!

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