DNS64 & nslookup

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Wed Apr 11 22:40:54 UTC 2018

On Apr 11, 2018, at 3:32 PM, Rick Tillery <rtillerywork at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll give those tools a try, but I don't understand how my client is requesting an A record. It only has IPv6 networking. DNS64 should be requesting an A record, but that the client should see is the converted AAAA record. Is that not right?

Nope-- DNS requests aren't going to convert an A record to a AAAA record.

Normally, IPv6 only machines should request IPv6 AAAA records by preference, and fall back to IPv4 A records only when IPv6 isn't available.  However, your IPv6-only machine will route IPv4 traffic using 6-in-4 or NAT64 addressing, otherwise you'd get broken connectivity to IPv4-only addresses.


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