Why would a master zone use forwarders ?

Mik J mikydevel at yahoo.fr
Fri May 12 15:52:32 UTC 2017

Thank you Ben for your answer
My server uses a global forwarding
I don't understand what you wrote"If it is master for a foo.com and also has global forwarding it will use the global forward for any delegated child domains under foo.com unless they are also loaded locally."
If my DNS is autoritative, why would I use a forwarding ?
For my sub domains I use delegationssub.mydomain.com NS ns.sub.mydomain.comns.sub.mydomain.com A
What's the difference between the global forward for delegated child domains and the delegation I do ?
Thank you


    Le Vendredi 12 mai 2017 15h34, Ben Croswell <ben.croswell at gmail.com> a écrit :

 This would only change behavior if the server has global forwarding. 
If it is master for a foo.com and also has global forwarding it will use the global forward for any delegated child domains under foo.com unless they are also loaded locally.  The forward{} turns off global forwarding for that branch of the tree.
On May 12, 2017 9:27 AM, "Mik J via bind-users" <bind-users at lists.isc.org> wrote:

If my DNS is master/slave for a zone, why would I want it to use forwarders.
In other terms why would I wantzone "mydomain.com"
        type master;
        file "zones/master/com/mydomain.com ";
        allow-update { acl; };

Instead of (forwarders {};)zone "mydomain.com"
        type master;
        file "zones/master/com/mydomain.com ";
        allow-update { acl; };        forwarders {};};
Why would I want to forward requests if I'm autoritative for the zone ?
Thank you for those who can hightligh this point.

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