wildcard not working after record deleted

/dev/rob0 rob0 at gmx.co.uk
Tue Jun 20 02:08:33 UTC 2017

On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 06:19:31PM -0400, Maria Iano wrote:
> We have a group of users that need to use a wildcard record in 
> their zone. Their wildcard works in general, but they have a 
> situation where it isn't working. They had some records that they 
> deleted, and expected the wildcard to take over, but it hasn't. If 
> we query a record that doesn't exist and never has in the zone, 
> then we get the answer from the wildcard. If we query a record that 
> used to exist but was deleted and now doesn't exist, then we get no 
> answer. We don't get NXDOMAIN, we get

NXDOMAIN means there is no data of any type for the queried owner 

> status: NOERROR
> and no answer.

NOERROR means the query completed successfully, with no error.  It 
might mean in your case that there is other data with that owner 
name, but no RRset of the requested type.

IOW, when you have a TXT and A record with the same owner:

sample		7200	IN	A
sample		7200	IN	TXT	"This is a sample."
*		7200	IN	A

If you delete the A record, the TXT is still there, and your wildcard 
A record in the zone would not be used for that name.

> Has anyone else come across this?

That's the best guess I can come up with without seeing the query and 
the zone data.  If you need more help you will have to share that 
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