switching entire DNS system to new servers and IP addresses

Eldridge, Rod A [ITNET] rod at iastate.edu
Thu Feb 23 19:52:35 UTC 2017

Iowa State University is replacing 7 ISC NAMED/BIND servers and 4 ISC DHCP servers with Infoblox servers on March 14th. We want to keep the domain names of our external servers the same (with one exception), but we will be changing all of the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of those external servers.

Current external name servers:

   DNS-1.IASTATE.EDU             , 2610:130:101:100::249
   DNS-2.IASTATE.EDU             , 2610:130:102:e01::249
   ISU.DNS.NORTHERNLIGHTS.GIGAPOP.NET, 2607:ea00:1:9::aa      

The exception is that we will be removing ISU.DNS.NORTHERNLIGHTS.GIGAPOP.NET (a server located at the UMN) and will be installing a server at UIowa (that will be named DNS-3.IASTATE.EDU).

The new IPv4 addresses for the new external name servers will be:

   DNS-3.IASTATE.EDU                       128.255.x.x     <== not yet assigned

We haven't assigned IPv6 addresses yet. 

We'd like advice about any issues or problems we might run into and to watch out for, what preparations should we do or must we do before the switch, and any other advice to help us make this switch go smoothly and unnoticed.

Thank you. 

Rod Eldridge
Networks & Communications
IT Services, Iowa State University of Science and Technology

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