Blocking reverse lookup queries for private ips

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Thu Nov 24 19:00:07 UTC 2016

On 25.11.16 00:02, Sachin Patil wrote:
>My bind setup only modifies response/resolved ips for certain domains, this
>is the only purpose of my setup (apart from caching).
>I don't have any private/local zones, thus I have kept it in forwarded mode.

once again: you should only use forwarders when you are unable to resolve
yourself. Bind can resolve itself, so forwarders are not required.

Forwarding can also cause useless troubles, just two days ago the google
infrastructure (including their dns servers) had outage in central europe. 
being here, you would cause troubles by using their dns servers as
forwarders - without any real need.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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