Modification in dhcpd.conf does not update ddns

Bernard Fay bernard.fay at
Thu Jan 28 18:23:59 UTC 2016


I have DDNS and DHCPD setup and it works ok so far.

But, while testing the integration of dhcpd and dns, I found that if I
change the IP address in dhcpd.conf for a previously configured client the
change is not reflected in DNS once the client receive the new IP.

For example, host A is initially configured to use Host A is
booted and receive IP as expected.  If host A does a nslookup
on A, it received Everything is ok so far.

Something happen, whatever it is, and the IP address of host A is changed
to  Host A is rebooted and received its new IP address.
ifconfig eth0 shows  So far so good. Now host A does a
nslookup on A. nslookup shows up Ooops!!! Wrong address!

Did I made something wrong in the configuration or a specific action, say a
command, should be made to update the DNS files?

I hope I was clear enough.

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