Systemd script

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Fri Feb 19 11:56:08 UTC 2016

Am 19.02.2016 um 12:46 schrieb Josep Manel Andrés:
> I am not too confident to build RPM packages, that is why I wanted to go
> for a normal installation from source.

well, learn it, it's really not hard to do

i learnt it the hard way that "make install" over years leaves more and 
more mess while a rpm package automatically removes obsolete files and 
the build process finally makes sure that it aborts if anything in the 
%files section did not exist after compile or a new file is not listed 
in %files due a upgrade

you will notice that when you did a major upgrade which don't work and 
have no simple downgrade way

additionally normally on a production server you should not install 
compilers and devel-packages and on the other hand on the build machine 
install the service with a test config - so you can make sure it will 
work on the procution machine or find out what needs to be chnaged 
*before* your service fails

you know if your systemd-unit works as expected before it touchs your 
server by proper testing and the resulting package pulls all 
dependencies on the target machine (at least on Fedora they are 
automatically added)

security: if something goes wrong in the build or with "make install" on 
the production machine you have no way to roll back, "make install" with 
rpmbuild runs as tesricted user and can't overwrite any files by accident

in short: "make && make install" on production servers is a nogo

> On 19/02/16 12:28, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Am 19.02.2016 um 12:25 schrieb Reindl Harald:
>>> Am 19.02.2016 um 12:13 schrieb Josep Manel Andrés:
>>>> Hi Harald,
>>>> Thanks, but I suspect those are the files that come with the default
>>>> system installation, but not usable (without modifications) if I have
>>>> compiled it from source. Am I right?
>>> well, it should not be that hard to adopt them for your needs or even
>>> build a proper package containing all that stuff - only over my dead
>>> body i would do a "make install" on any machine oustide rpmbuild
>> BTW - why don't you just take the SuSE src.rpm, modify the SPEC file for
>> the location where you want to have your own build installed and fire
>> some sed-commands in the buildprocess to scripts and config files?
>> that way you only need to swap the tarball, change the version number in
>> the SPEC and have proper updates in the future

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