dname reverse delegation

Paul A razor at meganet.net
Tue Oct 13 20:40:30 UTC 2015

I have a few /24 that I want to delegate using DNAME.


Lets says I have how would I go about doing reserve on the
forwarding server using DNAME.


Currently on the forwarding server I have 



                        NS ns.isp.com


                        DNAME 0/24


;;; delegate to server

0/24    NS      ns.someserver.com.


On the server handling the PTRs (ns.someserver.com) I have:


zone "0/" {

        type master;

        file "/slvdb/db.13.168.192";



In the PTR server the zone file looks like a normal PTR file and when I
query on this server its working, I get the DNAME/CNAME and PTR. 

However when I query on the forwarding server it's not working, I just keep
getting the CNAME over and over again but not actual PTR.

Shouldn't the forwarding server query the PTR server since it has a 0/24 NS
RR? It seems like because of the above DNAME RR it expects and zone file for
the 0/24. However I just want to forward this. 


I know I can probably just slave off the PTR server but I rather try and do
it this way unless someone suggests otherwise. 


Any ideas, thanks Paul




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