Mentor Required

Mike Hoskins (michoski) michoski at
Thu Jan 29 14:46:31 UTC 2015

The other thing is, you mention having tried and failed (agreed that isn't a bad thing, we've all failed countless times and it's how we learn) have you failed?

What I think you'll find is you have a list (many lists and other resources really) of mentors.  BIND much like many other Internet projects has a helpful community.  As asked below, you could start by describing your goals or use cases, then share what hasn't worked so far or where you're stuck, as well as sharing your config and any errors you're getting in logs.

You might have to adopt some paths based on your OS, or make other small modifications based on what you are trying to accomplish, but this is a good resource to get you started:

Some others you may not have seen:

From: Vinícius Ferrão <ferrao at<mailto:ferrao at>>
Date: Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 9:28 AM
To: STEPHEN EYRE <sceyre at<mailto:sceyre at>>
Cc: "bind-users at<mailto:bind-users at>" <bind-users at<mailto:bind-users at>>
Subject: Re: Mentor Required

First of all, why you want to run a full featured DNS server such as BIND9 at your home?

Do you want to make some special things? Do you want to publish a zone on the Internet? Do you have a DNS name acquired from your country registration authority?


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 29, 2015, at 11:54, STEPHEN EYRE <sceyre at<mailto:sceyre at>> wrote:

Dear All

For the past 3 or 4 years on and off I have been trying to set up a name server on an old machine at home. Each time I have failed which isnt a bad thing as I have used each failure to do more research and gain more knowledge.

I think the time is nigh to see if there is someone out there who would take on the role of mentor. Someone who has patience and doesnt mind being asked a whole range of banal questions.

I am not an IT professional but I do find the who process as endlessly fascinating. Its doubtful I will ever make any money out of the skills I have gained or obtain any employment either. But I will not stop until I have a server up and running.

The software I am using is Ubuntu 14.04 lts.

Is there anyone out there who would like to help?


Stephen Eyre

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android<>

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