reject invalid dns queries

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Tue Jan 20 10:11:37 UTC 2015

On 20.01.15 10:53, Daniel Dawalibi wrote:
>Allow-query is only allowed for specified IP defined in the allow-query

so, how exactly do errors in log look like?
Maybe you need to disallow queries at firewall level...

>On 19.01.15 16:14, Daniel Dawalibi wrote:
>>Invalid DNS queries : non-existent domains that do not resolve to any
>>IP as  mentioned in the below example.
>you should better not use this definition.
>>We are trying to protect our DNS servers from a number of invalid dns
>>queries targeting our caching server and originated from different
>>source  IPs.  Is there any way to drop these requests based on the
>>Query Access  list from the DNS configuration file (named.conf)?
>you can NOT know if a hostname exists before you try to resolve it. After
>that, you can't block it anymore.
>do you allow recursion for remote clients? (recursion and allow-recursion
>Do you allow DNS access from remote clients? (allow-query statement)
>Perhaps denying remote clients from even accessing your caching server would
>help you with this problem.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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