DNSSEC key rollover

John john at klam.ca
Tue Jan 20 03:47:59 UTC 2015

I wrote myself a small bash script to handle ZSK rollover, it might 
handle KSK but I have tried it.
All it does is to setup for a DNSSEC-keygen. My idea is to automatically 
pick a ZSK and use it as the base for the next key set, as per the -S 
param in DNSSEC-keygen.
The only real additions are the calculation of an Inactivation and a 
Deletion date based upon the new keys  Activation date retrieved from 
the base key.
I use a param which I call the "active life" (Active - Inactive) and a 
second param called "retirement" (Inactive - deletion).

A couple of questions:
Does anybody know if key rolling is going to be part of Bind (as part 
of  maintain/inline) maybe?
Has the been any discussion on basing the +/-nn part of the date/time 
params, not on today, but on one of the existing params when the -S 
option is used?

John Allen
Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell 

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