ISC DHCP does not work with BIND 9.10

Tomas Hozza thozza at
Fri Feb 20 12:27:03 UTC 2015

On 02/19/2015 07:30 PM, Evan Hunt wrote:
>> dhcp is only expected to work with the "generic library" (and also
>> disabling epoll), but this comment now seems to be obsolete as there's
>> no "generic" (formerly called "export") version of the library.
>> Assuming the issue with epoll is somehow resolved, I suspect we'd need
>> some run-time mechanism to enable the "multiple task managers" mode
>> (while still enabling threads).  As far as I know the current
>> implementation doesn't allow it.
> Pretty much exactly correct.  Our intention was to allow both named and
> dhcpd to use the same set of libisc and libdns libraries, no longer
> requiring separate libraries to be built for each; a global variable set at
> runtime ("isc_bind9") takes the place of "#ifdef BIND9", where the internal
> and export versions of the libraries had different behavior.
> We ran out of time on this project when we were working on BIND 9.10 and
> DHCP 4.3, and haven't had time to get back to it, so the work is largely
> but complete but not entirely.  DHCP still needs some adaptations to deal
> with the new-style task manager, and libisc needs a runtime mechanism for
> choosing to use select vs epoll/kqueue/devpoll.  I think there were a few
> other items on the "to do" list as well, but those were the big ones.

Thank you for the explanation. Is there any estimate or plan when this could
be finished? This situation complicates things significantly on Fedora. If we
want to ship BIND 9.10 we have to either build DHCP using bundled BIND (which
is against Fedora guidelines and requires special approval) or build another
version of libisc and libdns with special options which will require us hacking
BIND's build process.

Since both workarounds are just temporary from our point of view, we would like
you to really consider finishing the work so DHCP can be built against BIND 9.10.

Thank you!

Tomas Hozza
Software Engineer - EMEA ENG Developer Experience

Red Hat Inc.                     

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