Looking new RPMs for CentOS 6.

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Feb 9 13:34:22 UTC 2015

On 09/02/15 13:29, Chuck Anderson wrote:

> He could build a nosrc.rpm by using NoSource: tags instead of Source:
> tags in the spec file.

Just to clarify I don't want this to come across as criticism - this is 
a suggestion that might save the person providing the download some 
bandwidth. If it's not useful or convenient for him, I'll gratefully 
continue to download the "full fat" .src.rpm

>> For what it's worth, not everyone does "rpm --rebuild". We unpack
>> the .src.rpm and put the .spec+patches into our "mock" buildsystem.
> No need to unpack.  mock -r epel-6-x86_64 bind-foo.src.rpm

There's a couple of reasons we unpack.

One is that each package dir has a Makefile in it with various targets 
that let us rebuild, sign, deploy to test and deploy to production. 
There are some sanity targets that process the .spec, and all in all it 
ends up being easier for us to unpack than process the .src.rpm.

The second reason is so we can check the spec + patches into our git 
repo, so we've got a history of what changed on each rebuild. Been 
useful on more than one occasion ;o)

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