DNS pointing question - Temporary moving webserver to another site

Barry Margolin barmar at alum.mit.edu
Sat Feb 7 01:08:15 UTC 2015

In article <mailman.1587.1423266606.26362.bind-users at lists.isc.org>,
 Uzee <uzee007 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a peculiar need which is temporary but necessary.
> Our main website is say, www.oursite.example.com, where www is just a cname 
> pointing to our webserver and we run authoritative nameservers for the zone 
> oursite.example.com. Our webserver IP is say,
> Now due to an unavoidable outage we need to temporarily move our site to 
> another location for 1-2 days. This other location is auhtoritative for 
> example.com but not oursite.example.com. The new webserver say webserver2 
> will also have a different IP, like We can clone the webserver 
> quite easily but the question arises, how will we be able to point the cname 
> to this other location since in order to lookup www.oursite.example.com, any 
> request will need to talk to our nameserver which will be unavailable. 

What about your secondary DNS servers? They shouldn't be at the same 
site, the whole point of secondary DNS is to avoid a single point of 

You need to get some offsite DNS. Then update the delegation to include 
them. When your primary nameserver goes offline, the rest of the 
Internet will get the records from the secondary DNS.

Barry Margolin
Arlington, MA

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