Dynamic ACL

Ali Jawad alijawad1 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 12:06:53 UTC 2015

I am running BIND 9.10 and I have looked through various options including
DLZ and RPZ but I am still not sure if they can do what I need or if i need
to look at something different. Here is my scenario and I would appreciate
if you could advice me.

   - I do have 6 different Geo ACLs and a default ACL
      - Each ACL has its own zone file , users get served based on Geo
      location. If the users are not part of any geo location they are
served the
      default ACL and zone files.
      - For a few hundred users I want to asign their IPs to specific Geo
      locations even if they do not belong to those locations. I want
to do this
      on the fly without having to edit zone files and if possible
without having
      to reload BIND. I want to keep it as dynamic as possible.

Any input please ?

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