Diagnostic help part 2

John Anderson johna at ccbill.com
Tue Sep 30 23:10:48 UTC 2014

>If named is running and doesn't respond on the external interface, it's 
>possible that your listen-on {}; directive is set to only localhost.

>TCP connections to come back "Connection refused", so 
>it's possible that BIND just isn't listening on the interface or perhaps 
>you're filtering the inbound queries.   Do you see the queries come in to 
>the box, either via packet dump or query logs?

Is your BIND server behind a firewall?  Is it only listening on localhost, or on an internal interface?  If '~]$ netstat -nlp | grep named' tells you that named is only listening on, then you need to adjust listen-on in named.conf.  If you are running iptables, you need to allow at least UDP/53 in, if this is a master transferring to slaves, it might be a good idea to allow TCP/53 in as well.   If you are behind a firewall, you need to open up UDP/53 or port forward UDP/53 to your bind server.

Here's what I see when looking at the IP you provided:

~]$ sudo nmap -sT -sU -p 53

Starting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-09-30 16:02 MST
Nmap scan report for www3.greenbuilder.com (
Host is up (1.1s latency).
53/tcp closed domain
53/udp closed domain

Here is what I should see, using Google's DNS server as an example:

~]$ sudo nmap -sT -sU -p 53

Starting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-09-30 16:03 MST
Nmap scan report for google-public-dns-a.google.com (
Host is up (0.062s latency).
53/tcp open          domain
53/udp open|filtered domain

John A.

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