Wrong NSEC3 for wildcard cname

Graham Clinch g.clinch at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Nov 20 00:03:11 UTC 2014

Hi Casey & List folks,
> My apologies - this was actually a bug in DNSViz.  The NSEC3 computation
> was being performed on the wrong name (the wrong origin was being
> applied).  It should be fixed now, as shown in:
> http://dnsviz.net/d/foo.cnametest.lancs.ac.uk/VGzlkA/dnssec/
> http://dnsviz.net/d/foo.cnametest.palatine.ac.uk/VGzrqg/dnssec/

Thanks - that's certainly looking less red.  DNSViz is an exceptionally
useful tool!

The cnametest records were an attempt at simplifying a real issue that's
been reported to us.

An unsimplified version is cnametest2.lancs.ac.uk (here the RR is
*.cnametest2 CNAME cnametest2, with an A RR for cnametest2), which (now)
passes DNSViz, but not Verisign's DNSSEC debugger

I'm more confident that this is a bug in Verisign's debugger, as the
error is 'No DS records found for cnametest2.lancs.ac.uk in the
cnametest2.lancs.ac zone' (where's the .uk gone, and why the interest in
a DS where there's no zone cut?).  Do any Verisign DNSSEC debugger
maintainers lurk on bind-users?  (The 'Contact Us' link on the page
looks very corporate and not very useful)

delv +vtrace continues to report "NSEC3 at super-domain" only for
foo.cnametest2.palatine.ac.uk records, and not for
foo.cnametest2.lancs.ac.uk.  Is this a similar
miscalculating-the-owner-name as for DNSViz?  I'll try to dig (haha!)
into the delv source tomorrow.  Tested with delv 9.10.0 & 9.10.1.

I think this might be one of those cases where I should have trusted my
gut instinct (to blame the validating resolver), but the more I
investigated the more red and missing lines in output...

I'm attempting to discover more about the validating resolver, but since
I have no access to it and the reporter is just a user of that resolver,
odds are not stacked in our favour.

> *snipping the bits where I obviously need to read about
> NSEC3 again*

At the start of the year, I received a piece of wisdom regarding NSEC3
"It is much harder to understand and debug".  At the time I was sure
that I could outsmart it.  Maybe not so much now.



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