"Recursive no;" implications?

LuKreme kremels at kreme.com
Tue Jan 21 09:03:55 UTC 2014

If you set recursion no; in named.conf, you need to set the forwarders as well. Is there anything else that must be done so that DNS queries still work?

If you have master/slave servers you should specify allow-recursion for your subnet instead, right? I'd you do this, you don't need to set forwarders, yes?

And finally, can you specify a slave DNS against a CNAME or must it have a rDNS and an A record?

For example

  NS ns1.example.com.
  NS ns2.example.com.

Ns1.  A
Ns2   CNAME name.someothername.tld

Where the server at the CNAME doesn't have rDNS?

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