bind-9.9.5 regression test error

Christoph Moench-Tegeder cmt at
Thu Feb 13 06:16:17 UTC 2014

## Doug Barton (dougb at

> If you don't have enough random bits on your system to run these simple 
> tests, your /dev/random is seriously underpopulated, and likely a 
> security risk. You should definitely not put BIND in production compiled 
> with the option you mention above.

Our build/test environment is not our production environment.

Further, the ideas about "random numbers for practical purposes"
have shifted a bit. In short, you don't really need "high real entropy",
but a stream of numbers *unpredictable to the adversary*. See:

In fact, on systems like FreeBSD you never get to see the "entropy"
directly, you only get the output of a PRNG (yarrow in this case),
which is periodically reseeded with "real entropy".
Even linux ranodm(4) suggests to use /dev/urandom in most cases, as
frequent reads on /dev/random will deplete the entropy pool and make
/dev/random unusuable for those who really need it.


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