bind-9.9.5 regression test error

Bruce Dubbs bruce.dubbs at
Wed Feb 12 16:53:48 UTC 2014

I've been trying to run the regression tests for bind-9.9.5 and keep 
getting lots of timeouts and errors in the system/inline test.

The procedure I'm using to build and run the tests is at

For bind-9.9.4-P2, all the tests pass, but using the same procedure for 
bind-9.9.5 the system/inline test fails.  I dug into the tests and find 
that the inline/ns3 server is causing me a problem.

What I found is that I can go to the bin/tests/sys directory and run:

$ sh inline

for just the problem test.  There I find is that the program is 
running the following in each of the ns{1,2,3,4,5,6} subdirectories:

/tmp/bind/bind-9.9.5/bin/named/named -m record,size,mctx -T clienttest 
-c named.conf -d 99 -g -U 4 > 2>&1 &echo $!

At the end of the tests, the program sends a TERM signal to 
these processes, but the ns3 process doesn't shut down.  I instrumented 
the scripts and got:

stopping servers with TERM: ns1
stopping servers with TERM: ns2
stopping servers with TERM: ns3
stopping servers with TERM: ns4
stopping servers with TERM: ns5
stopping servers with TERM: ns6
wait 60
stopping servers with ABRT: ns1
stopping servers with ABRT: ns2
stopping servers with ABRT: ns3
I:ns3 didn't die when sent a SIGTERM
stopping servers with ABRT: ns4
stopping servers with ABRT: ns5
stopping servers with ABRT: ns6

The log in ns3 is somewhat confusing, but it does not give any 
indication that the TERM signal was received. (I can send it if that is 
needed.) I did the above without actually running the inline/ 
script but that script also has a lot of timeouts and produces errors 
independent of the termination problem above.

I'm hesitant to deploy 9.9.5 with this error, but don't know if it's a 
problem with our build process, a bug in the test procedure, or a bug in 
named itself.

Can anyone shed light on this issue?


   -- Bruce Dubbs

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