Bind Migration best practice steps

John Goubeaux goubeaux at
Tue Dec 16 23:30:03 UTC 2014

Thanks for the quick reply John,

I answered some of the items in-line

>Hi John,
>First things first, some more info on your overall DNS infrastructure
>and how the 9.3.2 server fits in would be helpful.
>- Is this for, other zones, or both?

The NS is ONLY for

>- Is the 9.3.2 server authoritative-only, or does it serve recursive
>requests as well?

It is autoritative for only

>- Is the 9.3.2 server listed in any of the NS records of the zones you
>host, or just the SOA record (public vs. hidden master?)

Yes, there is an A record for it as well as the SOA records and it is public.

>- How many slaves are you running?  Do all of your zones slave from
>the 9.3.2 master, or do some point to other masters?

I am NOT running any slaves at this point, just this one Master.

>- A copy of the SOA and NS records of your zones (assuming all are
>identical) would also be helpful, as would copies of your named.conf
>files if you're worried about your configuration at all.
>The main principle here is that you shouldn't take down the 9.3.2
>server until you're _sure_ the 9.8.1 server is fully ready to roll.
>Ideally you should be able to do this with zero downtime, but much
>depends on your setup.  It's certainly not something you want to rush.
>John Miller
>Systems Engineer
>Brandeis University
>johnmill at
>(781) 736-4619
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John Goubeaux
Systems Administrator
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
UC Santa Barbara
Education 4203C
805 893-8190

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