empty zones and higher zone count after upgrading

Con Wieland cwieland at uci.edu
Sat Sep 14 05:38:27 UTC 2013

I upgraded on of our servers from  9.6-ESV-R8 to 9.8.5-P2 and I am showing 66 more zones than I had before. 

I now have:

< ; Zone dump of '64.100.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN/internal'
< ;
< ; not implemented


< ; Zone dump of '127.100.IN-ADDR.ARPA/IN/internal'
< ;
< ; not implemented

when I do an rndc dumpdb -zones

I do not have any xxx.100.IN-ADDR.ARPA zones configured. And these do not show up as empty zones that get created from the documentation I found

any ideas would be greatly appreciated

Con WIeland

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