Forward zone giving SERVFAIL

Neil Aggarwal neil at
Thu Nov 28 15:50:51 UTC 2013


> This is a shot in the dark, but is your server carrying a root zone or 
> using hints? I vaguely recall running into similar a few weeks back when

Bind complained about the pre-defined zones not being in a view when
I added my views so I removed them.

I added the following to my /var/named/named.zones file:

zone "." in{
  type hint;
  file "";

include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";

I restarted named and I am still getting the SERVFAIL error.

It looks like having those zones is not making a difference.


Neil Aggarwal, (972)834-1565,
Virtual private server with CentOS 6 preinstalled
Unmetered bandwidth = no overage charges

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