Reverse address entries

Sten Carlsen stenc at
Tue Jul 2 19:58:44 UTC 2013

On 02/07/13 21:02, Eduardo Bonsi wrote:
> I have been reading all your concerns about reverse FQDNS. In my
> example, we are a very small firm and I am the IT network admin
> responsible for configuring our server. One of the reasons I
> configured our server was because we deal with Photography, graphic
> design and occasionally presentations of Movies. These are fat files
> that are not viable to send thru emails. Our setup is far from being
> perfect and does not follow the ISC BIND advised rules of how I would
> like to follow to run a proper server. Like two different networks,
> one ip address for every and web services and so
> forth. Believe me, I would love to do that if I had the budget for it.
> Therefore, that is not really my decision but it falls under the way
> my ISP charges $$$ for each ip address and reverse setup. 
Well, that means your setup is ok, lookups will go like this:
1 - your.mail.server -> some IP
2 - some IP -> a name in your ISP's DNS, typically very generic like
3 - 2-45-231-6-isp-dynamic-pool.xxxxxx -> back to "some IP".

The fact that numbers 2) and 3) match and could be done more times if
needed, is what SMTP is looking for. Hence you are not deemed to be a
spammer on that account.
> So, I decided to work with what I have and be happy with the
> limitations and at the same time try to work around them. I put a lot
> of thought in the beginning about the issue of: -Should I reverse my
> main NS or Should I just leave it alone since I do not do any transfer
> or run any email server from my server. I thought in the beginning;
> "Well, no spammer will attempt to relay through my server since this
> will be one more reason they will not get things to work properly."
> However, this is not really a concern. Like I said, my set up is not
> perfect but everything works fine from my end so far with limitations!
> …and Yes, I do occasionally have a very short delay between the main
> "www.mydomain" and "mydomain" but the same delay never happened with
> the other domains/websites I am running under the same ip address. I
> guess I could reverse my main domain to my one and only static ip
> address and my question would be: - Does that would affect the other
> websites I am serving using the same ip address? Thanks everyone for
> this wealth discussion!
> Eduardo

Best regards

Sten Carlsen

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