Sharing zones between views to conserve memory

Jan Gutter jang at
Thu Jan 10 09:17:48 UTC 2013

Thanks for the suggestions!

I'm currently investigating two options: the local view and forwarded
zones, and I'm going to check out if I can write a fast DLZ lookup to
share the RPZ zones between the views. Caching is not a big problem
here, the "shared zones" should only change about once per month.

I'm having a little trouble with the first option though. I changed my
config to look like this:

view "rpz" { //(master rpz view, zone files loaded into memory only once)
        match-clients {; };
        zone "cat01.rpz" {type master; file
"/etc/bind/category-zones/cat01.rpz"; };
        zone "cat99.rpz" {type master; file
"/etc/bind/category-zones/cat99.rpz"; };


view "subdivision-01" { //subdivisions forward to master rpz view
        match-clients {; };
        zone "cat01.rpz" {type forward; forward only; forwarders {; }; };
        zone "cat99.rpz" {type forward; forward only; forwarders {; }; };
        zone "custom-whitelist.rpz" {type master; file
"/etc/bind/override-zones/subdivision-01-whitelist.rpz"; allow-query {
none; }; };
        zone "custom-blacklist.rpz" {type master; file
"/etc/bind/override-zones/subdivision-01-blacklist.rpz"; allow-query {
none; }; };
        response-policy {
                zone "custom-whitelist.rpz" policy no-op;
                zone "custom-blacklist.rpz" policy CNAME;
                zone "cat01.rpz" policy CNAME;
                zone "cat99.rpz" policy CNAME;
        include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";
        include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";

So, named-checkconf validates the config file OK, but when I try to
start bind, I get an error:

unknown zone 'cat01.rpz'

I've disabled DNSSEC and other stuff for testing, and I verified if I
take out the response-policy section, that I can query the RPZ zone
and it forwards correctly (host works
fine, on the DNS server and on the client).

However, it seems RPZ doesn't like "forward" type zones in the
response-policy stanza. I have a nasty feeling I'm missing something
obvious, though.

My next bright idea is to turn all the zone entries back into type
master, and try to figure out if I can write a simple, fast, DLZ
entry. I'm not planning to use something like postgresql as a backend:
a memory cache should work fine. If loads all the millions of zone
entries ONCE, I don't mind it taking up a lot of RAM.

Again, thanks for your suggestions, every lateral idea helps! In the
end the solution might be something stupid, or take a lot of work.
Either way, I'm grateful!

Jan Gutter

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 1:37 AM, Sten Carlsen <stenc at> wrote:
> IIRC provided you do NOT update the common zones dynamically, you can share
> the files. This is a dirty solution, the risk is that on e view may change a
> file and the other views using it will be out of sync.
> On 10/01/13 0:34, Kevin Darcy wrote:
> On 1/9/2013 10:57 AM, Carl Byington wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, 2013-01-09 at 14:37 +0200, Jan Gutter wrote:
> So, here's my question: is there a way to share zones between views to
> conserve memory?
> One way is to put the master copy of those large zones in one view, then
> define those zones in the other views as type 'forward', forwarding to
> localhost.
> Yeah, I've done that before, but it has some undesirable caching behavior,
> i.e. entries get cached in the view which forwards, so clients can get
> responses from data that is not as "fresh" as they might get if the data
> were authoritative (assuming NOTIFY is in place, or some sort of fast
> replication mechanism). Also, some things care whether the AA flag is set in
> responses.
> I've also been told that at least one BIND-based DNS management system, to
> which I'm planning to migrate, will divide up the available memory for named
> equally, among all of the views defined in the config. So, if that's true --
> and I haven't been able to independently confirm it -- then there would be a
> limit to how much memory a given view can have, regardless of what tricks
> and/or stratagems one uses. (I'm hoping it isn't true, since I have some
> environments where my named.conf has 5 views defined in it, 2 of which are
> non-recursive, and another 1 of which sees an extremely small volume and
> diversity of queries, therefore it would be quite painful for the 2
> remaining "real" recursive views to be limited to only 1/5th of the total
> memory space apiece).
>                                     - Kevin
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